ETT Study Guide Book 1: Safety

D. Personal Protective Equipment

In addition to being properly qualified for the task at hand, personal protective equipment (PPE), including arc flash rated clothing, can provide additional safeguards against the hazards posed by working around electrical energy.

1. Ratings and Types 2

Understand Arc-Rated PPE (incident energy ratings) and PPE for Shock Protection

2. Use and Care 2, 3

Apply correct use, storage, inspection, and testing requirements of PPE

3. Protection Boundaries 3, 4

Recognize and assess Arc-Flash PPE Categories and Shock Protection Boundaries

4. Crew Safety 3, 4

Ensure correct use, storage, inspection, and testing of PPE for the entire crew. 3

Apply correct use, storage, inspection, and testing of PPE personally and for entire crew. 4

Last Update: Feb 02, 2025

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