ETT Study Guide Book 1: Safety
H. Incident Energy Analysis
1. Field-Marked Equipment Labels
Interpret field-marked equipment labels 2, 3, 4
- Arc Flash Label Best Practices
- The Seven Deadly Misconceptions of Arc Flash Labeling
- Should I wait five years to review my arc flash hazard analysis?
- NFPA-70E Table 130.7(C)(16) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Identify hazards where no field-marked labels exist 2, 3, 4
- Incident Energy Analysis—One Way or Another
- Why Do You Need an Incident Energy/Arc Flash Analysis?
- NFPA 70E Table 130.7(C)(15)(a) Hazard/Risk Category Classifications
- 3 Rules-of thumb for arc flash
- Their Last Line of Defense
2. Incident Energy 2, 3, 4
- IEEE 1584-2018 - IEEE Guide for Performing Arc Flash Hazard Calculations 2 3 4
Demonstrate knowledge of various methods used to determine incident energy 2
Demonstrate knowledge of incident energy calculation methods 3, 4
- Power Distribution Planning Reference Book
- HRC Tables Vs. Incident Energy Calculations
- Putting Arc-Flash Calculations into Perspective
- Ways to Reduce Arc Flash Energy
- Basis for 50V limit for de-energized work
Demonstrate knowledge of how distance, current, time, and switchgear configuration affect incident energy 2
Demonstrate knowledge of the variables involved in incident energy calculation methods 3, 4
- Identifying Pitfalls in the Arc Flash Calculation Process 4
- Detecting and Containing Arc Flash Incidents
3. Arc Flash Reduction 2, 3, 4
Demonstrate basic understanding of Arc Energy Reduction techniques and testing requirements in the NEC 2
Demonstrate understanding of Arc Flash Mitigation techniques and testing requirements in the NEC 3
Demonstrate advanced understanding of arc energy reduction techniques and testing requirements in the NEC 4
Last Update: Feb 02, 2025
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Guide Table of Contents, Book 1